About Us

Means Improvisers is the beacon of hope for students and young professionals in Cameroon
The Munyenge platform, created by Means Improvisers, is a groundbreaking tool designed to revolutionize the way students and young professionals in Cameroon connect with internship opportunities in top companies across various industries. Through this innovative platform, individuals can easily fill out an internship request form and be swiftly matched with a company that aligns with their interests and location preferences.

One of the standout features of the Munyenge platform is the guarantee of internship placement for all individuals who complete the internship placement form. This ensures that every member is provided with valuable hands-on experience in their desired field.

Furthermore, registered members of the Munyenge platform have the opportunity to contribute historical findings about events in and around Cameroon. If their submissions are approved for publication on the platform, contributors will be financially compensated for their posts. This not only serves to elevate the platform as a hub for knowledge-sharing and cultural preservation, but also provides an avenue for individuals to showcase their research and writing skills.


The overarching mission of the Munyenge platform is to remove the barriers that often hinder students and young professionals from securing internship placements and job opportunities at reputable companies. In addition to this, the platform aims to uncover hidden and forgotten narratives of Cameroon’s rich history, shedding light on important stories that may have been overlooked.

Our Vision 

 The Munyenge platform vision 2025 agenda aims to make Munyenge  the largest community of students and young professionals in Cameroon .  fostering a supportive and collaborative environment, the platform seeks to assist every member in successfully transitioning from the classroom to a fulfilling and rewarding job position.

The largest community of students and young professionals in Cameroon!


Meya Mercy

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