
The Munyenge internship program, created by the Munyenge foundation, is a groundbreaking program designed to revolutionize the way students and young professionals in Cameroon connect with internship opportunities in top companies across various industries. Through this innovative program, individuals can easily fill out an internship request form and be swiftly matched with a company that aligns with their interests and location preferences.

Throughout the academic year, thousands of students participate in community-building and professional development programs, culminating in valuable internship placements through our industrial partners. MIP is designed to empower the youth through leadership development, skill enhancement, and community engagement, ensuring they emerge as change-makers in their respective domains.

Our Mission 

The overarching mission of the Munyenge internship program is to remove the barriers that often hinder students and young professionals from securing internship placements and job opportunities at reputable companies. 

Our Vision 

 The Munyenge internship program vision 2025 agenda aims to make Munyenge  the largest community of students and young professionals in Cameroon .  fostering a supportive and collaborative environment, the program seeks to assist every member in successfully transitioning from the classroom to a fulfilling and rewarding job position.

Our partners

The largest community of students and young professionals in Cameroon!


Meya Mercy

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